Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Should Huck Finn be taught?

I believe that although this book has many controversial views, it is a classic that should be allowed to be taught in schools. As Kathy Monteiro states, the contant use of the n-word feels degrading and hurtful to her and her family. While this is true, it should be taken into consideration that today, African Americans use that word commonly with each other, while our society has become more conscious on using that word towards people. If the main reason for an otherwise great book to not be taught in schools is because of the use of bad language throughout the novel, Kathy Monteiro should consider homeschooling. If anyone takes the time to listen to Fremd's hallways during the 5 minute passing period, anyone would realize that our language and how we speak to each other is way worse than one word in the book. And while the n-word is still hurtful for African Americans today, they should understand that this book was written over a hundred years ago and back then, the word was more commonly used than it is now. When it was published, the book was not meant to spark racial controversy and shouldn't be overanalyzed by people trying to find faults in good literature. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I know there are many books that degrade women as well. And even though I can find these demanign and hurtful, I take into consideration the time period that it was written, and realize how far our society has come today, As everyone should when they read Huckleberry Finn. This book is also meant to be satirical, according to David Bradley, and anyone who takes this book literally has not found the true message and moral to the book, which is the pointlessness of racism. Huck learns to see Jim in a different way, and I believe that rather than creating stereotypes, this book helps break them. This book shows the realities of life back then, and schools can't be expected to teach Disney worthy stories throughout higschool. In my opinion, this book has the right to be taught, and is like any other published book, it has its faults, but it should be the true meaning of the book that counts, not a little detail.


Somyongfo said...


Unknown said...

We’ve noticed that you have had no responses to your original post, so we decided that we’d give you our thoughts on this controversial issue. First off, let me give you a little background on who we are; we are a junior-level class at Fortuna Union High School in Northern California and have been reading Huck Finn, paying specific attention to Twain’s use of satire and how it affects the intended meaning of the text.
To supplement our studies, our class also viewed a PBS video called “Born to Trouble” in which both sides of this argument are explored. When we noticed your blog, we decided to get involved and give you our stances on your question. Each day we have written responses in our journals to Twain’s use of satire to highlight specific social institutions and beliefs of the time. For instance, one journal write focused on satire of religion, one focused on satirizing ignorance, and another focused on Huck’s conscience deformed by society. For each of these, we examined what point we thought Twain was trying to make about the society in which Huck struggles to find his identity.
What we’ve determined is that each reader will read the book a different way. To some Twain’s diction gives a vivid picture of the time period, while to others it can be very offensive. Each student has her/his own view, and as the instructor I have made it clear that I’m not looking for them to regurgitate my ideas on the subject—so I hope you’ll get some genuine feedback on both sides. Please let us know your thoughts on our posts. Thank you. FUHS English 3B.

Unknown said...

I think that Huckleberry Finn should be taught in schools because it shows what was wrong back then. Now after you read the book in might make you look at colored people different and how they had a hard time back then. We need to let kids know that it is not o.k. to treat people bad that are different color. The kids need to know what was right and what was wrong. What this book will let the kids know that all people not only black people but also a person with a different color of skin need to be treated equal. They also need to know not to use the n-word because it can hurt anyone that is black even when the same color uses it. Reconsider the book some good might come out of it.

Unknown said...

Should Huck Finn be taught?
I believe that the The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn shouldn’t be taught in public schools. We shouldn’t read the book because it doesn’t affect us anymore and it’s not going to be in our future. But if we do have to keep reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn I think that the African Americans should be able to pick if they want to read the book or not. Cause some of the African Americans it doesn’t bother them if they say the “N” word or not but some it does.
In my opinion I think when people say the “N” to African American when there with their friends just to fir in and their friends will thinks he’s cool and doesn’t care what he says to them. But when I hear someone say it I will walk up to them and say that’s just rood. How would you feel like it if you were African American and they called you the “N” word? They didn’t say anything back to me. It’s kind of like if all the African Americans start to call us cracker; that would become a disaster. Another opinion of mine is that if we do have to read the book I think someone should re-write the book.

Unknown said...

I think that Huck Finn by Mark Twain should definitely be taught in public schools. I think it should be taught because it is a way of understanding history. We learn from our mistakes so if we know the past we’ll be able to learn not to do it again. When Huck Finn says the “N” word he doesn’t mean it in a racial way he thinks that that is what they’re called, he doesn’t mean anything bad by it. Some people think he’s being racist but like I mentioned earlier he is just calling them what he thinks is normal. The great writer Mr. Mark Twain had a love for satire and he thought that slavery was bad so he made fun of it in this way. Learn from your mistakes and don’t use the word to hurt people, but to study the structure of the past and, the history of our country’s biggest mistake. Long live liberty and freedom.

Unknown said...

I think the book Huck Finn should and shouldn’t be taught in public schools because of many reasons. It has discriminating words and I find it offensive. Also on the other hand that was how the people of their day had spoke and that’s how they feel. In many perspectives people may find Huck Finn to be a racist and ignorant. I find him more of an anti-racist. The reason why I think that is because he wasn't the one beating on the Africans or making them slaves or even hanging them. Even though he uses the "N" word quite a lot. That was just the language they had used in their time period.

Mark Twain was a historic writer of his day. He was an intelligent man. People of his time period still believed in slavery and used the “N” word. I know people find it discriminating and offensive but that’s what they believed in. I think the “N” word should be changed to either African American or black, and even those words could be offensive to some. I have read the book and so has many of my fellow classmates and I think we all agree on changing the “N” word to something else.

Unknown said...

Huckleberry Finn was a good book! But the question is should it be red in other schools? In my opinion yes it should. It should be thought to show how it used to be. It should be thought to show it is not rite to be like that. It’s not right to have slaves. Just because they have a different colored skin doesn’t men they are not the same as everyone else. That’s how the book should be thought. You may think that after reading the book kids will go around calling people the n-word. By reading this book it will show those old times are wrong. By reading this book it will make them not want to call people the n-word. Huckleberry Finn is a good book with a good lesson. This book should be thought in other schools.

tyty said...

Huckleberry Finn journal
I think Huckleberry Finn shouldn’t be read I think the racism in this book is put out way too much! When adults, teenagers and kids read this book some learn what the racism is meaning from the book they start using the word from the book. The religion used in this book when read is making fun of religious institutions in this book when people read it some catch that and use it to hurt other people. Whose African American religion was horrible back then the ignorance in this book when read shows that pap getting mad at the government and threatening them. When read by people they think it’s ok to use and certain people start using it this book should be cleaned up of all the satire and racism and most words they should change and read a different book.

Unknown said...

So our class looked at chapter six and read it. We have to replace the n word and put a word in that best describes the “N” word without using the n word. I think that Huck Finn can be taught in school. I don’t think it is bad that teachers are teaching it or making us read it. All the book is doing is showing us how they lived back then and when they used the “N” word it was ok to them to use it. In life now it is not ok to use in our life now. To some people it is considered a racist book but like I said I don’t think it is a bad thing to teach to students in schools.

Anonymous said...

I think The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in public schools. It has some lesions about the days from the beginning of the make of the United States. Twain is trying to tell people that Huck says the n word but he doesn’t know it hurts them. Some people thought that you prey for something and it would be in front of them. But it doesn’t work like that. Twain is trying to make fun of racism, religion, and ignorance. People don’t read it as satire but they read it as like he is trying to be racist and rude but he isn’t. Today, black people say it all the time. Some people thinks it is okay to say it because they say it. Huck’s conscience is to help a slaves to become free. He thought that slavery was wrong. That is why I think it should be taught in public schools.

Unknown said...

So our class was given an assignment, the assignment was to look at chapter 6 when pap gave a speech to Huck about using the “N” word. Some may say this book is disrespectful, but to some it’s just another book pointing out certain people because of the way they look, because of their skin color. I see where this book could be a problem when it comes for schools to be reading in a classroom setting, but then again I don’t understand why schools make it such a problem. This book was written many years ago, so therefore at the time it wasn’t a problem and it wasn’t being read in the classroom, by us going in and changing the vocabulary that is being used it would change the entire book. Mark Twain didn’t write a book so that we could go back and change what he felt was right in during that time. To me this book isn’t hurtful, maybe it’s because I’m not black or the fact that this book was written back in time when using the “N” word wasn’t that big of a problem. We don’t have a problem in today’s society with using that word because that word in not really from our time era, but when people do us it, it is offending to others.

zachattack said...

Huck finn should be taught because of its satire point of view of the south in 1800s. The reasons for this is to show how our past was and the way people interacted back then. For example Mark Twain refers to some people with foul language that was commonly used. One thing Huck does and others refer to these people every day by calling them the n-word in a negative way on certain points, But back then in the book on southern people look at things differently then we do today. Mark Twain doesn’t even focus on being racism but focuses on main point about satire in the south. The word satire means to disapproves but also try’s to be funny about ironic situations. For example Twain talks about his father and how ignorant and dumb he is when he drunk all the time and talks trash about everything. So the only way for this book to be taken offense to anyone is if they take it as a literal point of view. The ignorance of people is not seeing the truth and not admitting the truth to yourself that’s how it was back then and there’s nothing we can do to change to rewrite history. Usually it’s your conscience telling what wrong from right there for if you find the book offensive then don’t read. So if you see the truth of the moral value in the book when it talks about satire then read it if not don’t.

Anonymous said...

ATas for my opinion unto whether Huckleberry Finn should be taught in school I think it should be taught due to the fact that it shows a side to society that teaches us something.If everyone was happy in the story then the people reading will merely focus on the happy plot but if the plot is controversial then people will pay attention to the controversy rather than they would simply smile throughout the entire story without a single intelligent thought. If the plot was not controversial then I don't think it would be taught it school because if they remove all the bias within the story, all the diction, etc. then there is nothing to be taught and thus it is not worthy to be seen as a source of education. Huckleberry Finn should be taught in school because it gets people to think of the deragetory comments made by the characters, the steretypes, and at the end shows that Jim is not of any of the stereotypes. Jim is a family man, a good friend, and sacrifical due to the end in which he delievers huck to the mob so that he lives but in return he would have to be lynched.

Zachary said...

I think that the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in schools. It is a satire, in other words a mild humor making fun of the society of the time period and how ridiculous it was. So therfore it can't be taken seriously. The book was also written in a time period when The n-word was used on a regular basis, and it wasn't excactly a derogitory remark. It was more of just a title for black people. Rather than call them a black person they would call them the n-word. It was just the way things were. People who take offense in the piece of work have the right to be offended if they really want to, but that should not keep everyone else from reading it. After all a word is just a word and it only has the power you give it.

Unknown said...

I believe that Huck Finn should be taught in schools. It’s a good read with a great moral to it that shows and explains how society used to be. The thing is that it shouldn’t be taught to people who are still in grade school. The reason is because they aren’t as mature as people who are in high school and they would probably think it’s a new fad because it is used so much in the book. Also that they wouldn’t really understand that Huck Finn also is based on satire. Well in this case the n-word is used throughout the book by Mark Twain. He used it so much because he was trying to show that society then over used the word. The n-word was used so much in that time that it was almost a miracle if u didn’t hear it at least five times in about ten minutes. The thing is that all that word did and still does is degrading people, and that’s y it shouldn’t be used. People need to understand that this book is not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings; it’s just used to show Mark Twain’s point. This book shows people so much but they just won’t get passed the fact that the n-word is used so much. Huck Finn has other knowledge in it also on religion, ignorance, conscience, etc. In the third chapter it starts talking about religion, and how Tom isn’t exactly sure what it means because of Huck’s idea and Ms. Watson’s idea about religion. The two different ideas were imaginary and reality. This book will also teach people who aren’t sure about religion an idea or what it is.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that Huck Finn should be taught in public schools. It's very true that in today’s society, we do call people the n-word, without meaning it in a disrespectful manner. I personally do not believe Twain was trying to down grade African Americans. The way he wrote the book, was the way people talked in the 1800s. Why are people making such a big deal about it? If some was to write a book with the vocabulary we use now , we wouldn't think anything of it because that is how we do talk and it's the truth about todays society. Women would be downgraded, and men would be superior, and there would be endless numbers of stereotypes. It's lame that so many people are so defensive over a book that shows many controversial issues and makes us think as individuals about the situation and how we would handle it if we were Huck, or if we were Jim, or any one of the characters. This book is not a form of discrimination. The book is good literature, and people are freaking out because of one word that as commonly used in that time, and even now days. Kathy Monteiro needs to chill and realize that the word has no bigger meaning, than that of a name. It isn't exactly downgrading or being racist against African Americans, just instead of calling them African Americans, people called them the n-word. I don't think Twain meant for his literature to cause such controversy on that topic. People believed it was okay to call black people the n-word, and the African Americans didn't argue about it in the book, so I don't understand why so many people are making such a big deal out of it. If you honestly think that your child will take offence to this book and request that it not be taught, then you’re taking away their knowledge about older history and how people spoke, and what life was like for different people in that time period. In the book, Huck called Jim the n-word and Jim didn't take offence to it. Satire was used endlessly in Huck Finn, two men made Huck and Jim do bad needs because Jim was a runaway slave, Huck knew what he was doing was wrong, but he considered him and Jim friends, so he kept doing it, Huck called Jim the n-word but was still his friend. Also, in the book it says something about how just because a lot of people thing something is right, doesn’t always mean it is. Huck Finn is a great book that gives a lot of insight, and just because there is one offensive word, does not mean it should be banned from school reading. If you are hurt that bad by it, read an alternative and don’t make a big deal over it.

Unknown said...

The Adventures of Huck Finn is a satire. Mark Twain is making fun of hypocritical Christians, Southerners, and racism. Mark Twain has been seriously accused by some of being a “racist writer”, whose writing is offensive to black readers, perpetuates cheap slave-era stereotypes, and deserves no place on today’s bookshelves for students. To those of us who have soaked in of Twain’s wisdom and humanity, such accusations are ludicrous. But for some people they clearly touch a raw nerve, and for that reason they deserve a serious answer. For Twain’s critics, the novel is racist on the face of it, and for the most obvious reason: many characters use the word “nigger” throughout. But since the action of the book takes place in the twenty years before the Civil War, it would be amazing if they didn’t use that word. Anyone who imagines that Mark Twain meant this literally is missing the point. Rather, Twain is using this casual dialogue ironically, as a way to underscore the chilling truth about the old South.

mwright42 said...

I feel that The Adventures of Huck Finn should be taught in schools. The reason some individuals feel it shouldn’t is because of the use of the “N” word throughout the novel. What these people do not understand is that when the book was written, that is what African-American people were called. When used between Huck and Jim it is not meant to degrade Jim, but simply as something to call him, such as calling African-Americans black or colored. Mark Twain wrote this book as a protest to slavery using satire throughout. Satire is “A literary technique of writing or art which principally ridicules its subject often as an intended means of provoking or preventing change” as defined by Those offended by the use of a simple word need to seriously think about what they are fighting for. They want to permanently remove a great piece of American literature from the education of the youth when, if not made to by a teacher, they would simply overlook it and never experience the adventure that reading this book brings.

Andrea said...

Is Huck Finn a Good Book to Read?
Well I think that Huck Finn should be taught at school, but they should take out the n-word. So then it won’t hurt people’s feelings and make them feel bad. Huck Finn is a good book to read. It’s an interesting and exciting book to read. This book makes people want to know what’s going to happen next after each chapter. It is also a sad book, but is tells you and makes you learn how life was back then, and how people were treated by others. It also talks about what happened to the people that would do something wrong or just got accused of something they actually really didn’t do. The book talks about what the people back then believed in, and on how they would pray to get what they wanted. This is a pretty good book to read and to be taught in public schools. The only thing that makes it sound bad and racist is the n-word, but all they need to do is just remove the word and replace is with African-American. It would make Huck Finn a better book to read and more people would actually like reading it. This book also talks about religion, which isn’t bad, as long as it doesn’t say bad things about people’s religion. Other than that The Adventures of Huck Finn would be ok to be taught in schools, because it is an interesting book and you could learn new things from reading it. This book was also written a long time ago, and it shouldn’t really hurt people’s feelings now a days. They should just ignore is when coming across the n-word. People these days also now use the word for jokes and for just fooling around with friends.

natalie said...

I think that the book should be able to be taught in schools. I would hope that kids our age are mature enough to read this book. Kathy Monteiro should realize how the book uses the word. Other people in her situation read and have read this book. They on the other hand don’t protest the book and try to get it removed from being taught. If someone does have problems with the book then don’t read it, but don’t try to stop it from being taught to other people. I think she should maybe do some research on how Twain intended for the book to be read. The Satire and religion in the story connect. He relates things to make fun of it without being obvious. They take religion as you get what you pray for, but when Huck does this he is disappointed when it’s not true. Society deforms Huck’s conscience by the society saying things are wrong when your conscience tells you that you are right. He second guesses himself because they have been digging it into his brain that there is a certain way of doing things.

kenzie said...

The book should be taught in schools and that’s why for some it is. Kathy Monteiro needs to understand why the book is used. Kathy doesn’t get that she’s not the only person who is offended by the book, but just like them she should step back and let the school go on with teaching the book. Other people are African American and have dealt with the book. Kathy needs to take some time to research the book and how Mark Twain wanted the book to sound. Twain’s purpose for using satire is to make fun of it without being honest. Religion in those days made it seem that whatever you wanted you could just pray for it and get it. Little did they know it wasn’t true so then Huck got hurt and felt betrayed because everything he had prayed for never came true. Huck ended up losing faith in God.

Unknown said...

Do you think Huck Finn should be taught in schools?
I do believe that public schools or anyone all around the world should read the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The reason why I want people and public schools to read the book is because Mark Twain in the story writes about a African American slave that gets called the “ N ‘’ word. Back in the day they had called every African American slave they could find the “N “word and ordering them around calling them the “N“word. Now, if people get called the “N “word people get a lot more offended than they did back in the day. The “N” word can be very offensive if you say it in the wrong way. There is a lot of African Americans out there all around the world. They should have equal rights just like any other white person does. African Americans just have different colored skin and that’s it. I am recommending this book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to young adults and adults should because they use the “N” word way to much and you could easily hurt an African American now.

Unknown said...

I believe that the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in schools because it’s a very good book. Besides the fact that it uses the “N” word a lot. That’s the only reason why people don’t want it taught in schools. There are many reasons why it should be taught in schools. It shows how it used to be back in the day. And that’s an important thing to know. The reason Mark Twain wrote this book with the “N” word a lot is because back in the day they over used that word way to much, not to hurt people’s feelings. He was trying to prove a point. People back then and still to this day need to learn a lesson about how awful we were back then towards blacks and still to this day to people. Twain wanted people to see how bad blacks had it back then. He wrote a book that made fun of the past with humor, which is called satire. But many people believe that it’s a racist book and they shouldn’t.

janeth said...

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
I understand that some people think that the book of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn shouldn’t be taught in public schools because of the “N” word and because they think that is a very racism book. Well I think that the book of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should be taught in public schools. The book is good because twain used satire on the book. Like he used satire on ignorance. How pap was making fun of the judge and the society. He was making fun of everyone because when he was at the house of the judge he would treat huckleberry well but once they wore alone pap was the same person again he would treat huckleberry bad again and get drunk. I think that we should be able to read it so we can under stand how the African-American wore treated.

briizii said...

In English this year, I read Huckleberry Finn for the first time. Before reading this book I heard about how much people thought it was so great and how I had to read it. So this year we started reading it, but before we did my English teacher told us about how Mark Twain uses the N word 246 times I thought that was crazy, but not offending at all. I understand why people would get offended but in this book you have to understand that Mark Twain is using it to show how effective the word is and also how it was used in disgust towards African Americans. He uses Satire a lot. If you don’t know what that means then I wouldn’t blame you for disliking this book. Satire is used to show how ridiculous things were being handled in the 1800’s. One example of satire is when he writes about how the widow tells Huck that if he wants something he has to pray, and a couple pages after that Tom Sawyer tells Huck about how if he rubs an old tin lamp or an iron a Genie will appear and grant any wishes that he wants. The satire in this is how Mark is comparing the two together and kind of showing how they are both ridiculous. When you pray, it’s usually to worship God, not to ask for something you want, unless it’s something like his guidance and blessings for you. The idea of a Genie in a bottle is just a myth and obviously something from kid stories that were told in books. As you can see there are many different ways of reading this book, either in a non-understanding and offensive way, or a very understanding and life lessoned way. There are a lot of things you can learn from this book. I personally think that this is a very good book to read in school but you have to understand that Mark Twain is not trying to be racist to enjoy it.

B@tm@n said...

Huckleberry Finn
I believe that the book Huckleberry Finn should'nt be taught in school becasue African Americans in class may feel akward or hurt by the name that the african americans were given in the book. Not everybody's gonna come out and say how they feel about reading the "word'. I understand the point or satire of what Mark Twain is trying to make. I don't think that relgion is a big part of the book. In the book, the time fame was when slavery was around and slavery was basicly was the main part of America and in the book Jim was a run away slave who is treated differently do to the color of his skin. Ignorance is a really big part in this book,freeAfrican Americans have the right to vote.Pap also shows ignorance by coming back into Huck's life just for his money so that he can by more alcohol. Huck conscience changes through out the story when Jim finds out about Pap dying and doesn't tell Huck until Jim is getting ready to die. Huck is upset with Jim and hates Jim for not telling him,but then Huck changes his mind to Help Jim out. This is my view of the book Adventures of Huck Finn. Thanks

Jennifer said...

Should Huck Finn be Taught in Public Schools?

I think that Huck Finn should be taught in schools, because this book was written a long time ago when African American were slaves and they were called a certain "word", that would offended a lot of people and people and Tom Sawyer wanted some money, but that was in the past and now it's the future now and African- Americans also use the "word" and those people get use to the "word" for jokes and most African Americans just don't care about the "word" because they hear the word all the time and it doesn't bug them at all.
People also need to realize that there are people out in the world who hate this book and think it is races which it not because it has nothing to do with racism. There are people who've hated this book, but after they read it they just got used to the "word" and I fell that people should try to read this, because they might feel different if they read it. This book I mainly about a boy who is trying to get away from his abusing father and he meets a slave he knows named Jim and Jim and Huck go on an adventure so that Jim can be a free man and to do that Huck must lie to help Jim out too. It has nothing to do with racism its just a book that has an African American in it with a certain word that was used along time ago, and if anybody else wrote a book back then I am sure that they would have used the "word " also and that is why this book should be taught in school.

Unknown said...

The Adventures of huckleberry Finn has been one of the most controversial books in American history for several reasons. Those reasons include; the poor manners portrayed by Huck, the fact that the derogatory word “nigger” is used two hundred and something times, the satirical point of view of the south in the 1800s, the mocking of religious institutions, and the way in which the character Jim was portrayed.
One viewpoint is the cause for censorship. This could be accomplished through banning the book or removing the offensive script. However, censorship evokes our right of freedom of speech that is clearly promised to us in the first amendment. Also to remove the offensive terms or way, in which Twain wrote the book, would completely change the meaning. Speaking of which, to fully understand Twains reasons for writing such a book as Huck Finn you would need to understand the way in which he was raised, in a slave trading town. That however does not mean that Twain wrote this novel as a racist. It was common knowledge at the time of publication that Mark Twain was a strong believer in abolishing slavery. He and his wife also headed the local abolitionists group.
Knowing that, people have come to recognize that true genius that is satire. Twain shows many Americans their faults using satire. Satire can be defined as; the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. Meaning that Twain teaching Americans to recognize the wrongs they were going. As previously stated, Twain was against slavery and much in favor of a way of change.
Next, I do understand the use of the offensive words often offends the various groups of people mentioned in the book. However, I believe in the childhood rule; “sticks and stones…” Also, this book represents an era of change; Huck befriends Jim and even decides to go to a hell that he strongly believes in just to protect Jim and their newly established friendship.
All in all, I believe if any person who disagrees with this book being taught has not fully read and understood the books importance and meaning. Because if those offended had understood Twains standpoint they would have to respect the length Twain went through to achieve such a master piece that entertains many as well as criticizes the readers faults in their ways of life. So for that reason, the book The Adventures of huckleberry Finn should be required reading at the High School age level.

Helena Kreb said...

Huckleberry Finn should be taught in the public school system. It is a book full of realization. People don’t realize that the book was written in a very different time period than now. Yes, If this book was written in the present day containing the word nigger 200 something times it would be rude, offensive and not appropriate to read at school. But, it is not. It is a book from a long tim ago and is a history lesson along with great literature. Twain uses this book to educate. Being about a boy on an adventure with his best friend ties you into the story. But when you really read it, you get taught a lesson. The word nigger is used repeatedly to draw more attention to this book. This puts the reader back in time. It teaches them a history lesson about how people used to talk and treat one another. Black people were still hated not more than 50 years ago. The country has come a long way from black segregation and Twain just reminds us of this. Though the book creates controversy, more and more people are reading it every day. It’s a classic, and it became a classic because of Twain’s use of satire. This book is argued to be banned because of Hucks actions. He steals from innocent people and lies. The body of the book is about him running away from home. Parents fear their kids acting up like Huck and rebelling, just from reading this book. Hearing of a boy wanting to get away from his dad and longing for freedom makes more young kids relate to Huck Finn, not want to run away. Twain uses religious satire throughout this book. When this book was written, religion was big a part of life, just as important as an education, if not more. So Twain ties that into the book as well, with Huck praying for fish hooks and other material things.

Huckleberry Finn is like a history book. Just more interesting because people can actually relate to it, no matter what their age. It should not be banned from public schools, in fact it should be required reading everywhere. It's a great book that everyone can learn something from.

Unknown said...

I believe that huckleberry Finn should be taught in school .I just believe that it should be taught at a freshmen or older level no younger. If it is taught to young people they might not understand and they could possibly start using the word “slave” in a bad way. I believe that if they teach teenagers then it would be good because the book will show how the slaves were treated back then. If people start using the word in offense to black people then they should stop teaching it. It is a good lesson to show the modern day people how the old times was. So we can actually see how the African Americans were treated differently, then the whites, and the rich people .I believe that everyone should be treated the same because there’s no difference in anybody just because we have different skin colors doesn’t mean we are better or less equal. Everybody is equal and should be treated good. I think it’s good for people to be taught about Huckleberry Finn because it reminds people how bad people were treated back then and how they can and should treat blacks equal. It also shows how much has changed from time in a good way. Blacks still struggle, but in a good idea to teach people about Huck Finn because he proved a really good point of how many times the ‘N’ word was used and he way making fun of the people that actually were racists.

Unknown said...

I believe that huckleberry Finn should be taught in school .I just believe that it should be taught at a freshmen or older level no younger. If it is taught to young people they might not understand and they could possibly start using the word “slave” in a bad way. I believe that if they teach teenagers then it would be good because the book will show how the slaves were treated back then. If people start using the word in offense to black people then they should stop teaching it. It is a good lesson to show the modern day people how the old times was. So we can actually see how the African Americans were treated differently, then the whites, and the rich people .I believe that everyone should be treated the same because there’s no difference in anybody just because we have different skin colors doesn’t mean we are better or less equal. Everybody is equal and should be treated good. I think it’s good for people to be taught about Huckleberry Finn because it reminds people how bad people were treated back then and how they can and should treat blacks equal. It also shows how much has changed from time in a good way. Blacks still struggle, but in a good idea to teach people about Huck Finn because he proved a really good point of how many times the ‘N’ word was used and he way making fun of the people that actually were racists.

Anonymous said...

Huck Finn is the most controversial book we have come to date in the United States. It has been banned in high schools across America due to the language author Mark Twain had used. “Racist”, people refer to the book as, because the word “nigger” was used around 213 times, and it’s offending. My English class watched a video about Huck Finn in which it explored both sides of the argument, should or shouldn’t Huck Finn be taught in schools. The whole time I was watching the arguments that it shouldn’t be taught in schools, all that was going through my head was, “Do these people not have any understanding of satire, or even their history”? Mark Twain did not write this novel because he was racist or wanted to offend the African-American race. Mark Twain was publically popular and a family man. It was very well known that he was an abolitionist; in fact, his wife was the head of their local abolitionist group. He wrote this book to bring attention to the extreme problems in the Deep South during his time, using satire, which he was publically famous for. Racism and religion were two very huge topics covered, though racism being the biggest one. Mark Twain wanted people to read this book and think about how ridiculous the racism was in his story, and then think harder, and notice that this is how their society actually was. I’m all for opinions and standing up for what you think is right, but with this, I don’t think anyone should be judging the book this badly without understanding how Mark Twain was using satire, and that he was using it for good, not bad.

Unknown said...

i think that huck finn shouyld be taught in our school. i think that even though they use the N word, it shoulkd be taught because they didnt use it in a negative way, for them it was just their way of saying african american. i think really immature kids that read this book and then think its ok to use that term in a deragotive way. those people are the reason this book. and that make all this contoversy so stupid.