Sunday, September 23, 2007

John to Abigailllllllllllllllllllllllll

Your voice sounds like a dagger
Which glints in the firelight as it's being unsheathed
It's tip as lethal as it is exposed

Your voice sounds like a harlot
wandering through the innermost chasms of my mind
scantily clad, with an inferno in your eyes

I am devolving now, regretting you
and when this is over- you will speak no more

Your voice is a drug
demolishing our lives
cracking our voices like some piteous creature

Your voice is an instrument of God
The truest crucible
To return to obliivion

Your voice is soft now, darling
speak low, you are fading like a dream
My best scene is disposing you
as a wave washes over the sand
The evidence is gone now
The world is one

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