Saturday, September 22, 2007

Your Voice...

Persona: Mary Warren describing Abigail

Your voice is my master, and it is commander to all.
I hear it day and night as it slowly consumes my soul.
I will always obey it, great leader, for fear of your wrath.

Your voice, dear Abigail, sends chills down my back.
One word out of your lips opens up the gates of Heaven,
and the fiery doors of Hell will stand open with gaping mouths.

Your voice is the Devil, self-centered in all perspectives.
It does not care about anyone but its own being,
ignorant of the harm it causes and the pain it brings.

Your voice has put a stake through my chest,
for it has framed my image in the village as unstable.
It used me to save itself from the humility it deserved,
and Abigail, you will regret it! I ASSURE YOU, YOU WILL ...

Oh my fearless Abigail, your voice is my comfort.
In times of trouble and accusations, it s there to soothe me,
as a mother whispers in the ears of her baby.

My forgiving Abigail, your voice is my protection,
and it cradles my head in the depths of your bosom.
Forgive my voice, my friend Abigail, for it has done wrong.
Speak to me, oh listen to me, for my voice is now yours.

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