Sunday, October 21, 2007

To Outside Magazine

Dear Outside Magazine,

Your article about Chris McCandless was moving. The article mentions how some people take different views on Chris McCandless. In my opinion, Chris McCandless was an extremely intelligent person who's views on life were way beyond most people's thoughts. Although some people believe he was ignorant and stupid--I would have to agree with the contrary. The fact that Chris McCandless did not bring any food or money with him was not an act of stupidity, but rather it was him trying to start this new life of just living in sync with nature. He wanted to live off nature and start a life apart from material things, hypocrisy, and fakes. I think the fact that he burnt his money and cut up his credit cards although it was surprising, it was brave and honorable. If you think of all the people in this world who think it is incredibly important to have designer items, drive a nice car, have a high status jobs, the number would be ridiculously high. Chris McCandless thought differently than most people, I think he thought above most people. By getting away from all of that and trying to just live with nature and start a new life, giving up everything he had, is amazing. Although the outcome of this journey did not turn out the way that he planned, along the way he lived a very full life. Everyone that he met along the way recognized Chris as different, intelligent, and completely determined. I think Chris McCandless's daring journey was extremely brave of him and commendable. The fact that he would leave his money, his car, everything to go out and live with nature is exteremely commendable. Overall, I completely respect your article and admire you for writing it.

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